Tuesday 31 March 2015

Last Day of Filming!!!

Today we filmed for the last time which was a great achievement because we have all worked really hard. We had some trouble as the batteries ran out therefore i made a quick trip to the local shop and we were back on track. All I need to do is edit now!!!

Beverages on Set!!!

None of the actors are older than 17 years of age therefore we had to remove the alcohol from their drinks and wash the beer bottles out vigorously and then filled it up with Appleaid as this was the closest to the original beer colour.

Saturday 28 March 2015

From Royden to Ashton

We are going to film additional shots in Royden park in Irby, it has the same environment and themes which we need to compliment our movie. Moreover it conveniently offers parking facilities, it is a popular park however it does boast the space we need to shoot our car stunts. The vast amounts of space are ridden with trees therefore reducing the light which imperative to our theme and movie. Despite it being a public place we think this is the best option.

Thursday 19 March 2015

New Prop

We have a new prop in the movie! My car we thought that we could use it because I have a driving license so could use the car and a shot of Doug/Ben getting to it. We are picturing Doug struggling to open it due to him being drunk. Once he gets in the car we would need a shot of him driving so we decided I would wear Bens coat and glasses whilst driving. I needed a large area to recklessly drive as if i was drunk, so the right location for these shots is very important.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Location! Location! Location!

Macadana Drive West Kirby
We have been location scouting using google maps to find the perfect location for our flashbacks to happen. We're looking for a place with a lack of natural light, unfortunately this setting in the image is to open and prone to a lot of wind therefore filming here would reduce the sound quality as well as disrupting the actors, moreover it is a very public place and as our two actors are quite shy when in the company of strangers amongst the set. Also as we are going to be using beer bottles as props there may be some confusion with the public as both of our actors are under the age limit.


Location 2: Kings Drive West Kirby
 This is Kings Drive on the left as you can see it would be the perfect place for a couple of friends to hang out as there is a picnic bench a place to park your car and a nice view, however it is to light for a horror story to take place in, it juxtaposes the whole theme of our film, despite its locality and surreality it will not work in our film. We have finally come up with an answer... we are going to film in Royden park, it has the same atmosphere and features as Ashton park except it actually has a car park, moreover it isn't open and it is covered with trees therefore reducing the light exposure. Despite it being a public place we think this is the best option.

Filming Re-shoots

Yesterday we went out filming our re-shoots for our new plot. Here are some photographs displaying our shooting techniques. First we scouted some areas where we wanted to film in which was 

Inside the Car

Trying to keep the natural light at a minimum

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Convergence - How the world is changing to the Digital Age

Convergence is...
...the word we use to describe the process of different technologies coming together in one device: a modern mobile phone – comprising a camera, an MP3 player, a web browser, a games console and even voice calls – is one obvious example. The ‘one box solution’ has been the main focus of much thinking about convergence, and technology companies continue to deliver products that do more. However, to simply restrict your thinking about convergence to hardware would be a mistake; the principle of convergence is affecting all media texts.

Monday 9 March 2015

New Ideas for Phycology of Clip

Ben and I have been brainstorming this morning in our free period to find a solution to our storyline. We needed to produce more of a psychological element to our film.

Friday 6 March 2015

Finished Filming (Or so we thought)

Yesterday we finished all of the separate shots of Kirsty which we have been waiting to do for numerous weeks. I edited all the shots and merged them into the pre edited storyline and watched as our previous three months of work unravelled, as a two minute clip, on screen. On reflection we all agreed that there wasn't enough physcology there was too much physicality involved in our story line, therefore we now need to re-mould our storyline and create an actual plot (Instead of a continuous chase scene) We have a few ideas at the moment but hopefully once we sit down and brainstorm we should have a great story.